Saturday, 24 April 2010

Gone Fishing.... with Kurtis!

Today Dad went fishing with his mates; Andy Foot, Kev and Kurtis. Now, I've never met Kurtis before so after I'd helped Mum with the gardening (she needed me to help rearrange my toys round the lawn and to bite some sticks up) I decided I ought to go round to the pond and see if Dad was catching big fish and meet Kurtis.

They were all having a good time and had caught some fish despite the wind being in the wrong direction and the sun being too shiny (and other such fisherman's excuses!). Kurtis is really ace, he's a small human and belongs to Uncle Kev. He really, really, really likes dogs and most animals except cats coz he's allergic and they're pesky. Mum let Kurtis take me for a walk (she came too to show him the way), and I was amazing coz I didn't shout at the cars going over the bridge (I was showing Kurtis how cool I am) and I found a half a football - well I always say half a ball is better than none.
We went back to the fishing and Kurtis caught a small perch and I licked it before he put it back - he thinks I'm crazy but it's what I like to do.. just lick 'em and put 'em back.
Mum took Kurtis to see the chickens and while we were there Uncle Ian let him take Brody and Promise up the field....I waited in the car and supervised from there! Brody gave Kurtis a bit of a run around but I think he enjoyed it anyway (Brody was so fast Mum couldn't even get him on the photo - so here are a couple with Kurtis and Promise on).

Hope Kurtis comes to our place again sometime, I think he's really good fun.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like the best day Mo. I fink you come on twitter and tell everyones about it?
