Saturday, 27 September 2008

I nearly had a sister!

Well, what a funny old story this is....

Mum and Dad were outside the house being rather busy, when along comes a nice little doggy. Dad talks to her and she likes him then she comes round the back into my garden - I like her (a lot!). She was all covered in mud and was really hungry. So, Mum being a soft touch gives her some food and fusses over her. She was really fast at running round in circles on my lawn!

Mum and Dad were really confused coz she had a collar on but no name tag, no-one was out in the street calling her and they didn't know what to do.

So, Mum took her all the way to the vet to see if she had a microchip, then came all the way back with her (she didn't have a chip). The vet told Mum that she was only a young girl and that she was in good condition.

We ran about a bit then Mum gave her a bit of a bath and some more cuddles and we had some more fun. Then, a man called Tim who lives in the village came and said to Dad that she might live just over the road from us! So, Dad went to see the man over the road (to see a man about a dog!!) and he said she was his. What a carry on, turns out she's called Indy and she had escaped from his garden and he thought she was upstairs on the bed (I didn't know dogs could go on human beds, mmmm...).

Well, we all had a nice time and it was funny, except Mum was a bit sad coz she really liked her (a lot).

Monday, 15 September 2008

Another holiday - loads more hills!

I've been to the Lakes with Mum and Dad in the caravan! We had an ace time coz we got to go up some big hills (and some small ones too).

First we went up a couple of big hills and across some massive bogs and it was nice weather. Then we went up a really massive hill and it was raining quite a lot, there were wooly woofs all over the place on the way back and Mum was a bit miffed coz the ice-cream shop was closed when we got back to the farm in the valley (she made up for it with cake later!).

We went fishing the next day and I had an ace time in the boat (Mum and Dad didn't catch any fish at all but they said they had a nice time anyway).

We went to Keswick a few times and I got to meet all sorts of other dogs - I shouted at them until they noticed me then wagged my tail at them.

We had a bit of a funny day in the car all the way to a place called Scotland, where we only stayed one day then we came back to the Lakes - what was all that about?

We did another massive walk called Green Gable and Great Gable and I got to do some rock climbing on my stretchy lead with Mum, it was really ace and a long way so I was really tired when we got back.

I met a new friend called Jack in the Lakes - he lived at the campsite during the summer and he was a Lakeland Terrier. I hope I might meet him again some time and get to have a run about off the lead.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

I've got a 'poorly'

Today I was very brave and went to the vets (and didn't bite them)! Mum took me coz I've got a poorly paw. She's been looking after me but it wasn't mended quick enough so I had to go to stinky vets which I am not keen on.

I saw a really nice vet lady though and she didn't hurt me, she just looked at my paw and said I needed some tablets and I needed to keep a bandage on it. So Mum took me home and put a small bandage on and gave me a tablet. I'll soon be back to normal I'm sure.