Hi blog fans!
Just thought I'd give you an update and let you all know that I am all mended and stuff now.
I was very brave when Mum took me for all the stitches out last week, it was a nice lady nurse that took them out so I thought I'd better not bite her and anyway I didn't want to have to wear my muzzle coz I hate it! Grandma Keighley sent me some sweeties in the post for being brave - thanks Grandma!
It was ace later that day I went for a long walk without that cone on my head and my tummy wasn't itchy stitchy any more.
On Friday last week, I had a right laugh and while Mum was gardening she thought there was a rat in her compost bin. So between us we worried it out and it went in the pond - I jumped in after it and got it - yay! My new name is 'rat boy'!!
Anyway that's all folks for now, am looking forward to a little holiday in a week or so.. Mum says Uncle Sammy and Aunty Pen-wah are coming too.