Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Benny and Stella

Recently I met some new friends, they are two Border Terriers called Benny and Stella.  I met them when I was out walking with my Mum and usually see them when their Dad (he's called John) is going up the lane when we are going down.
Benny is a bit younger than me and he's friendly and quite calm, Stella is a little girl and is only 7 months old - I fink I lurve her!!  She's very giddy though and usually rushes up to me, gives me big licks and bounces about a lot.
Here is Benny asking Mum what it in her pocket (you can see me licking my lips and Stella is listening for sneaky thieves!)

Here is Stella trying her luck with the treat pocket and Benny is already eating his biccy!
I have got to say that they also have a big brother called Frank who is a German Shepherd, he's an old boy and was a bit grumpy with me coz I rushed up to see him.. anyway I'll post a pic of him next time I see him coz he's a nice old boy really.


  1. Its nice to ave pals isnt it? We are now seein quite a few BTs in our vilage. I fink we haz set a trend

  2. It's nice to see Ben and Stella on here 'cos I'm their mum. It's also nice to see Mr Mo at last - he is a handsome chap and I'm looking forward to meeting him one day.
