Promise is my Uncle Ian and Aunty Barbara's dog, she has starred on my blog before... Uncle Ian was a meany and went off up to Scotland and only took his puppy, Brody, with him and left Promise at home. Any way my Mum loves Promise and said she would take her for walks to help out. We had some nice walks and some damp and soggy walks! My favourite walk was down the long lane, it was very sunny on Saturday and there were lots of puddles from the rain on Friday. Promise loves to jump about in the puddles and Mum thought it was really funny! It gave me chance to disappear into the long grass while she was watching Prom's antics - ha ha!
When we got back w
e were really pooped out and Promise nicked off with my bed - being the gent I let her! She thought it was a sleep over but she went home later on and I finally got to go in my own bed.
Thats so funny that she nicked Mo's bed, she is far too big for it bless her, its like trying to make that size 10 fit when your really a 12! us girls are all the same! she looks so funny! Mo is the most patient dog I know!...xx